Safety & Security
please call the Georgia Tech Police Department at 404-894-2500 immediately if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, or need a fire truck or ambulance.

Fire Safety
- Smoking is prohibited in all residence hall areas (room, apartment, suite, common area, lobby, lounges, stairwells, elevators, activity and recreation rooms, bathrooms, etc.). People who choose to smoke must be outdoors at least 25 feet from any residence hall.
- Do not leave food cooking unattended.
- Do not to burn candles, incense etc in the dorm.
- Smoke detectors are located throughout each floor of the residential hall. Smoking or high temperature stir-frying can trigger the smoke detector. If smoke is detected in the common areas, the fire alarm system will notify occupants of the building and send a signal to the central station monitor.
- It is against Federal and State laws to tamper with or interfere with life and safety equipment. Destroying fire exit signs, fire alarm boxes and other safety items could lead disciplinary action and the resident may be charged for the repairs/clean-up.
This is a group program. ASP students must arrive in and depart from Atlanta as a group, led by trip leaders. The program does not accommodate individual arrivals or departures.
You are not allowed to skip classes.
The program’s insurance policy does not cover illegal activities or unauthorized activities such as outside of town travel (except when organized by the program).