Campus Information
Please keep in mind that it is ILLEGAL for persons UNDER THE AGE OF 21 to consume alcohol in the USA!
Campus Map
Located on 5th Street in Tech Square, is now open for package pickup. Anyone with an active email address ending in “.edu” can sign up for a Prime Student trial membership and receive six months of shipping benefits free.
Lodging at Fitten Hall
Submit a maintenance request if you are having problems with your dorm room.Housing office hours are M-F, 8am-5pm, Tel 404-894-2470. For emergency services after hours, please contact your RA on duty. Their number can be found on the yellow card at your building entrance.
Target Store at the Atlantic Station
375 18th St. Tel. (678) 954-4265. Both Georgia Tech Stinger Shuttle Grocery Route and MARTA Bus Route #113 pass by North Avenue and Atlantic Station. But the Grocery Route only operates during weekends.
This 300,659 sqft state of the art facility is a unique expansion of the existing swimming and diving venue built for the 1996 Olympic Games! The CRC’s five floors contain a competition swimming pool, leisure pool with a 184′ water slide, diving well, sauna, studio workout rooms, racquetball & squash courts, basketball & volleyball courts, and climbing wall.
For those that want to use the CRC, the membership fee is the students’ responsibility. Acceptable form of payment: credit card or buzz card fund. No cash. Bring your buzzard and payment to the CRC Member Services desk, and identify yourself as from the “Atlanta Summer Program Group” or “ASP Group”.
The clerk will check you off the ASP roster, collect payment from you, and have you sign a liability waiver form. You will then be entitled to unlimited access to the CRC during your stay. Note that it is important to identify yourself as an ASP student since our arrangements with the CRC is unique.

Learn interesting and important facts about Georgia Tech through a campus tour. Visit the Tech Tower, Gilbert Memorial Library, Bobby Dodd Football Stadium, etc.
Tours are held Monday through Friday, starting at 11am or 2pm, excluding holidays.
This is a walking tour led by a current Georgia Tech student. Comfortable shoes are advised. In case of inclement weather, it is best to be prepared with rain gear as the tour goes on rain or shine. You must register for the tour in advance. The virtual tour is also available.